Friday, December 18, 2020

How did We Get HERE? Chapter 5: Creating the 3rd timeline in early 2017

There are two links to Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of this online book if you are interested above if you haven't started reading it yet.

Also, here are links to Chapter 3 and 4:

Here's a Link to Chapter 5:


After the UN meeting everyone went to their think tanks to try to figure out how to reduce world populations in a fair and equitable way. Though they now knew that something like the Spanish Flu of 1918 was coming they still didn't understand it very well. So, how were they going to keep the human race alive by equitably reducing human populations in a somewhat fair way?

Since the United Nations was involved in figuring out how to get everyone to cooperate with this it was a very difficult problem to get everyone on board with worldwide.

The one country that could organize effectively enough to make the changes was the United States in this. Unlike most other countries we tend to be the most effective at things like sending a man to the moon (OR) changing the time line so everyone doesn't go extinct and die.

So, as we began to approach the time for change Obama was elected in 2008 and this was the first black man to ever become a U.S. president. I remember traveling in Paris in 2009 and getting some papers in order with their government in France for travel and the lady said to me: "Merci pour Obama!"

Translated this means "Thank you for Obama!"

In other words it meant so much for the U.S. to have the first black president for the whole world. Equality at least symbolically had somehow been reached if only for that time!

Then in 2017 the horror of trying to use insanity to create a future for the human race. Trump was inaugurated President which was going to take things back to the insanity of the 1950s just after World War II once again. Many many people were going to die not only here in the U.S. but also worldwide from Trump's totally selfish and corrupt policies.

But, the human race would no longer go extinct in 2095 and instead might survive until 2150 instead.

We still will have to correct time for living past 2150 as well though, and again and again and again for millions of years into the future here on earth.

This thought is very depressing for me but then again at least some of humanity will survive one way or another. Even now, when we look back at the supreme sacrifices our ancestors made to get us here maybe it's also useful to look at present and future sacrifices we are making so some of mankind will ALWAYS survive here on earth too.

By God's Grace

Who are the best presidents since 1950?

I think maybe the best president since 1950 was likely President Eisenhower who purchased Time Travel UFOS so we wouldn't nuke ourselves into extinction. Even though he paid for this with UFO experimentation on average humans in the U.S. and world I think it was still worth it for humans not to go extinct. After all, imagine what he saw in World War II to take back Europe from Hitler? So, this bargain was the only one he could possibly make to save mankind from extinction during the 1950s from hydrogen bombs. It doesn't surprise me that most people don't know about this, and don't know about how many times Earth has blown up and time has had to be changed since then using these devices.

It would drive most people completely insane if they had seen what I have seen that was shown to me by Elohar and Ragna when I first met them regarding what happened on 9-11-01. 

I must have been screaming for several minutes before they turned off the videos to my mind of 5 billion

people dying that day in May of 1974 at Bunny Flat at around 6900 feet on Mt. Shasta in the deep snow then. Then they said: "Will you help us create a 2nd timeline for earth so people don't have to experience this?"

Of course I said "Yes" then and so the 2nd time we hit 9-11-01 we created a 2nd timeline so you and I didn't have to die horribly in a nuclear holocaust like their timeline did. They came to me from 7028 AD through time on the first timeline to get my help in creating a 2nd timeline. Why me?

Because it appears that my soul is what is called: "Galactic Royalty" or retired Galactic Royalty and as souls we stay interested in being alive as souls by incarnating as humans and other types of beings throughout the Galaxy and helping others prosper and survive (much like wealthier humans retire and create foundations and do good things for people worldwide here on earth). 

So, we do what we can to make people's lives better than cooking into powder and blowing away from hydrogen bombs like 5 billion did the first month of the 1st timeline on September 11th 2001.

So, what's next for our intrepid Time Travelers?

From Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back to Arcane and His Oneness etc.

First of all because they survived and brought home the information and helped mankind, Captain Forward is now Major Forward and 1st lieutenant Back is now Captain Back. However, they are being allowed sort of like Astronauts to continue serving together in the same Eisenhower Time Saucer double checking the future after seeing what happens.

This particular day they were sent in the Time Saucer to Trump's inauguration day from 1995 from Summer of 1995 from Mt. Shasta where it is much easier to travel time. So, once again they parked their saucer in 2017 on Inauguration day and were met by Arcane and His Oneness in his Green Sphere. Once again they parked it in a different location this time several miles from the first but over the Sacramento River once again. And once again remember they can summon this time saucer to literally any time there above the Sacramento River that they want to. This time they parked it just below Shasta Springs where Teddy Roosevelt once came and rode the Tramway up to the Shasta Springs resort up from the Train below next to the river.

As a child I spent a lot of time walking along the river and back up the trail to Shasta Springs by the way.

Arcane knows about this place too!

As Major Forward and Captain Back met with His Oneness and Arcane as they entered the Green Sphere His Oneness wanted to speak first after they all renewed their friendship of the last trip into the future together.

His Oneness: "I wanted to mention to you of why we summoned you through your chain of command to this time. The main reason is we wanted you to see exactly what actually works to prevent human extinction in 2095. This is going to be pretty horrific to watch too but it is still better than what happened on 2095 on the 2nd timeline. 

We invited you today because the 3rd timeline begins today with the inauguration of President Trump. We had to search long and hard for someone who would kill people in an equitable way worldwide like President Trump will. However, as we will see as we travel into the future now it works.

We are going to take the Green Sphere to the Inauguration right now because it is beginning right now!

As they listened 10 feet away from the podium invisible in the Green Sphere Major Forward and Captain Back couldn't believe their ears or eyes at what was happening. They could see immediately that this man wasn't entirely sane because of the whole way he carried himself and by what he said.

Major Forward said, "This is basically the same psychological profile as Hitler we are watching here. IN Officer Training school I did a Term Paper on the psychology of Hitler and how he had Narcissistic Personaltiy disorder" and as I listen to this man speak and I see the look in his eye it is unmistakable that we now have a mentally ill president. That people are going to follow him at all surprises me completely!"

His Oneness: "Many people have PTSD and from that PTSD also have personality disorders like Trump that cannot be addressed really by either counseling or medications. So, once you set loose someone like Hitler or Trump as the president of a major nation major deaths are going to be the direct result in that nation. It's a given."

"Also, he is designed for the particular government of the United States which is not like parliamentary governments where leaders can leave within a week or two. Precisely because there are 50 United States that system couldn't really work for 50 States that are relatively independent from the Federal government except during emergencies like earthquakes, Weather events or Wars where everyone comes together to fight the enemy like during World war II to the death!"

"So, Trump is designed specifically because he will serve one term in office and screw things up so bad it will take the world 50 years to recover from him. In fact, I would have to say that Trump's effect on the world death wise might be even worse long term than World War II as you will see as we travel forward in time."

Major Forward and Captain Back were horrified by this conversation. Any yet, it had symmetry to it simply because so people had to die and you are actually using natural selection like occurs in natural disasters and earthquakes and also during wars. This way the pain is equalized around the whole world among all peoples to a greater or lesser degree."

His Oneness:"However, countries that have been jealous of the U.S. will not be between Trump's inauguration from January of 2017 until January 20th 2021 when Biden and Harris get in."

Captain Back said, "Biden. Do you mean Senator Biden from the 1990s who is a Democrat?"

His Oneness: "Yes. He served as Vice President from 2008 to 2016 with President Obama who was the first Black President in U.S. History."

Captain Forward: "So there are some progressive things happening then. It's not all going back to the 1950s again?"

His Oneness: "Yes. It's two steps forward and one step Back. Pardon the pun gentlemen."

Captain Forward: "It's not like as friends we haven't heard that before" and he smiled.

Arcane: "Why don't we cruise forward to 2020 when people really start to die around the world from something they call "Coronavirus" or also Covid-19. That way all you gentlemen can see how all this really works to prevent human extinction.

When they began to tour China in Spring of 2019 Arcane pointed out how the coronavirus had started there in Wuhan, China at a wet market. Then it wiped out Wuhan and other cities in China. However, China could use the Draconian power of the presidency to just weld many people into their apartments so they just died without food there whereas in the U.S. and Europe and North, Central and South America they had all sorts of problem as 2020 progressed. First it hit Italy really hard and then next New York City.

But, the worst part was Fall and Winter of 2020 and into 2021 it was hitting almost every family or someone they knew nationwide and it was getting pretty scary.

Captain Back said, "This is sort of giving me the creeps watching Semi Truck vans filled with dead bodies in places like El Paso, Texas and in Ecuador and Brazil and Mexico. This is getting really awful beyond anything I thought could ever happen in the Americas."

And then almost to Christmas 2020 it hit in California and in Southern California there were Zero ICU beds left and Captain Forward said, "This just means instead of 2.5% of the people dying infected we are going to lose 5% to 10% instead. This is pretty horrific.

His Oneness: "And yet, this is the fairest way I can think of to thin out mankind down to a survivable group who can survive the ages."

Major Forward said, "I feel sick now watching all this because it is much worse than what I thought would have to happen. Look at all the children without parents without grandparents who aren't going to make it or who will be raped in foster homes and have their lives ruined worldwide!"

Arcane said, "Major. Would you rather have the whole human race go extinct. Have you ever studied Lifeboat theory?"

Major: "We had to study this some in officer candidate school so that in case we were on board ship we would know how to deal with real time disaster scenarios."

Arcane: "The earth is a lifeboat that needs a certain amount of species to stay in balance. And if humans cannot stop  causing the extinction of species by what they are doing then humans need to be thinned out. It's about the balance of nature. And if you violate nature on any planet sometimes almost everything dies from it."

"His Oneness and I have watched this historically on every planet we have studied or been to by the way."

"So, just because human beings haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it isn't also true."

Captain Back nodded in agreement and said, "Actually. That's logical even if it is also unfortunate."

Begin quote:

Image result for lifeboat theory
Lifeboat ethics is a metaphor for resource distribution proposed by the ecologist Garrett Hardin. Hardin's metaphor describes a lifeboat bearing 50 people including Radley, with room for ten more. ... In contrast, the lifeboat metaphor presents individual lifeboats as rich nations and the swimmers as poor nations.

"Okay. Now let's jump to 2080 again to the Pentagon where you guys started out visiting last time."

"What do you notice about everything?"

"The technology is totally different. The cars people are driving are totally different in fact the only thing the same is the shape of the Pentagon itself. Are the Generals that talked to us here?"

Arcane: "NO. None of the same generals are here as a matter of time safety. It's not that they were not born it's just that they didn't go into the military this time. They were rerouted into different careers in Business and medicine instead because people knew that there had been a problem when you guys went forward before and they didn't want a repeat of that potentially starting a time war. So, All the Gentlemen are in different careers now."

Major Forward: "Wow! I wouldn't have expected that outcome at all!"

Arcane: "It was thought best to prevent a time war by any means necessary but in a completely peaceful way."

Major: So we actually prevented the time war after all?"

Arcane: "Yes."

Major: "Can we go to 2095 to see what is there?"

Arcane: "Yes."

Everything was normal where all the people were dead before. It wasn't that EVERYTHING was perfect just everything appeared to be normal on earth sort of like any other time. No major wars. Some minor ones. Global Warming a real problem for a lot of the world. Drought a real problem for some places. Flooding every year a problem for other places and many cities that were above water around the world like Miami and Venice Italy were almost completely underwater today. Some people there built houses on stilts and some just added stories to their houses with the first floor now underwater and tied up their boats to the 2nd story windows and converted them to doors.

Major: "So how many people are alive now in 2095 on earth?

Arcane: "Mostly because of Trump's fiasco around coronavirus worldwide and Global warming and many factors that are too numerous to really address properly here around 1 billion people are left on earth right now."

What happened to the rest of the people that were alive in let's say 2000?

Arcane: They all died. Men Women and children all died from starvation or pandemics or global warming or earthquakes and tropical diseases moving into new areas that they weren't in before. And some died from air pollution mostly in Iran and Asia and places like New Delhi and Beijing and Seoul, South Korea and others with periodic air pollution that comes and goes during the year. And of course most people just died from lack of health care around the world and from old age and no retirement checks ever in their lives."

"Also, being used to wearing a mask because of air pollution saved many many millions of lives from the 2020 Coronavirus in Asia especially. Whereas the idea that masks were ONLY for bandits in the UK and Europe and in the Americas cost millions of lives in those places in 2020 and throughout 2021 and a little after that."

Captain Forward: "So, it's really true that more people died in the U.S. from the 2020 Virus than any other country on earth?"

Arcane: "Not really. IT's just the U.S. is more honest about it's reporting than many countries like Russia and China are and other countries around the world.

But, even in the U.S. the full amount of deaths from the 2020 virus is only those tested and not those who were never tested before they died. So, the actual number of deaths is about 8 times what they actually reported even in the U.S. But, it's also important to know that the real number is 10 to 50 times greater than what was reported in regard to actual deaths worldwide."

Major Forward: "I think after we make a few more videos worldwide in cities in 2095 of all the live people and no dead ones I think we can go back to where we started in 1995 and tell them that Trump in 2017 started a new timeline of death worldwide.

Arcane: "We need to do one more thing, Major. We need to go forward to see when humans die off once again from some disease or whatever."

His Oneness: I have already researched this, Arcane. I'm not sure it makes sense what people are dying of around 2150 even to me. It's sort of like people give up hope for some reason. I can't make as much sense of it. Maybe you three can figure out what it is."

Arcane had heard about this ennui before where people just have no reason to go on living.

As they moved forward in time things started changing in strange ways. Art became more self destructive for some reason. People didn't believe in God as much and people made fun of people who went to church and shunned them. Places of religion were regularly vandalized and police didn't protect religious places from discrimination worldwide. It started in Europe and spread to the U.S. and the Americas but even in places like Japan and even India there was a general disrespect for religions more and more and more.

This was coupled with a feeling that technology was a sort of a  God or Higher Power replacement. People were marrying robots and having children by adoption sort of like how a person today adopts a dog or cat so one person would program their android (which looked and acted exactly like a human being) to be whoever they wanted them to be so there were never any arguments at all. And this also created people being more and more out of touch with reality and sort of mentally ill and unbalanced.

And since most work was now done by robots and not people many people got lost and didn't have real reasons to stay alive anymore. Families disintegrated that were flesh and blood and were replaced by either robot friends that would say and do whatever their owners wanted or they just stayed sort of like children their whole lives playing in video games but never really grew up and had a flesh and blood spouse and real biological children with a flesh and blood spouse.

So, society and sanity diminished daily starting around 2120 and went downhill from there until finally mass suicides from hopelessness and cynicism killed off the last humans around 2050 or 2060 on earth.

Major Forward:"How did it come to this? IT's sort of like this worldwide now too!"

"How do we calibrate this death cycle because it is a mental disease maybe caused by not having to do anything, not fight for anything real, or anything meaningful? I'm not sure? What do you think, Captain Back?"

Captain Back: "When they eliminated work, war and religion there wasn't enough to go on living for because all the normal struggling dynamics that help people survive were then gone! All things that create balanced people were gone and then the older ones who were balanced all died and the younger ones stopped listening to them long before they died and then the society worldwide was over."

Arcane: "Yes. Captain. That's very insightful of you!"

Captain Back: "Why thank you Arcane. That's quite a compliment coming from you."

They both smiled.

His Oneness: "You Gentlemen have given me an insight. I think this has something to do with the 7 billion or more of their compatriots that they lost during the 2000s. The human race is grieving for everyone they lost during the last century and they are finding they simply cannot recover from these nostalgic memories of loss of the 20th and 21st Century."

Arcane: "I think you are right.  Why didn't we see this before?"

The major and the Captain both nodded in agreement. The Captain Said: "They are grieving their parents and grandparents and Great Grandparents and another era before things got so strange. Humanism has been lost along with the belief in religions and God and so there is nothing left to live for."

So, the 4 of them returned to 1995 to Mt. Shasta near Shasta Springs above the Sacramento River to retrieve the Eisenhower Time Ship. They flew it to the Klamath Falls Airport and into it's hanger because it can fly invisible too when it needs to, especially during the daylight hours.

Arcane and His Oneness had a private jet with a Green glow to it. I guess the Green Sphere had morphed into a Green Lear jet to appear to be something from this century they were now in.

Note: If you read more than this above you know that some of it disappeared. If you are a blogger or writer I made a classic mistake. I had more than one window open of the same file and then I saved a file that has less in it than the one I wanted to keep. So, if you are a blogger be careful to close windows that have less in them than the ones you have written more in so you don't accidentally delete what you want to keep in your article or book or writings. end note.

So, this might be different than what you read before in some ways.

So, this time the 4 of them flew back to Washington DC together to make their report to the Pentagon and the UN.

The Same Air Force General as before introduced them to the Group of Generals of All the Armed Services at the Pentagon:

"Good News Gentlemen and Ladies. I want to introduce Major Forward and Captain Back that most of you likely witnessed in this auditorium in 1992 (It was now 1995 in the summer).

After Hearty applause because they kind of knew what was coming Major Forward Said, "The Human race does survive the Century now!"

This brought a standing ovation of cheers and tears from all present.

Major Forward: "However, in the interests of not altering the time line in any major way I can't share too much more than that except that everything is different in the future like the technology and things like that but no human totally lethal pandemic hits this century because of the changes we were able to begin between 1992 to 1995 here in the U.S. and around the world."

Standing ovation with more applause and clapping each other on the back for happiness!

Major Forward: "But I can say that the time war was still averted between our time and 2080 and all the Generals that we met with in the first 2080 have different careers on this new timeline in order to more effectively facilitate that."

Someone Asked a question and the Major answered:

"But how was this accomplished?"

Major Forward said, "I can't say too much here but I can say that one American president was replaced in order to accomplish this outcome. Many different things were tried but this was the only thing that actually worked. Also, the combination of the different president along with a pandemic that hits around 2020 causes so much random death around the world that the long term consequences of all this prevents human extinction between 2084 and 2095."

The Air Force General who was our time travelers commanding officer stood up and said: "There will be no more questions because we don't want to further effect the future time line."

People nodded in understanding how serious this was.

Major Forward: "However, this has also created problems from 2120 to 2050 or 2060. The changes we made reduced the world populations down to about 1 billion people by 2095 worldwide."

Groans were heard now in the room.

Major Forward: "Overpopulation caused human extinction and reducing world populations causes the human race to survive. However, the survivors start having "Survivor's guilt" starting in 2120 and this causes them to develop mental illnesses so they still all go extinct by 2050 and 2060 on earth. So, those of you here or those who follow you will have to solve this problem in order to take the human race forward past 2200 AD."

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